Our Association

While we remain first a Christian church , we have chosen to align ourselves with the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America) for as long as we believe it has continued to align itself with God’s Word. This allows us to partner with other churches to pool resources and have a greater impact on the world around us. The EFCA is an association of autonomous churches (not a denomination) which is united around a set of theological convictions (our Statement of Faith). The EFCA also holds to some key distinctives, such as the inerrancy and authority of the Bible, which we at Montrose Bible Church also share (see below).
Our motto, along with the EFCA, is:
“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, charity. In all things, Jesus Christ.”
Distinctives of the Evangelical Free Church of America:
The Evangelical Free Church of America...
1. Is a believer’s church—membership consists of those who have a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
2. Is Evangelical—we are committed to the inerrancy and authority of the Bible and the essentials of the gospel.
3. Embraces a humble orthodoxy in partnership with others of like faith.
4. Believes in Christian freedom with responsibility and accountability.
5. Believes in both the rational and relational, i.e. the head and the heart, dimensions of Christianity.
6. Affirms the right of each local church to govern its own affairs with a spirit of interdependency with other churches.
Learn more at: http://www.efca.org/explore/who-we-are