Missions and Outreach
Our purpose, individually and as a church, is to bring God glory. We seek to magnify the name of Jesus Christ by sharing the truth of the Gospel and extending the grace and love found only in Him with our community.
Upward Sports: We engage youth from our community through sports. Besides teaching skills and sportsmanship, our Upward Sports programs keep the Gospel message central, teaching kids the importance of a relationship with Jesus.

Home Missions: We support local organizations which seek to assist people in need in many ways, all the while pointing them to Christ: ​
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Susquehanna County
The Montrose Bible Conference
The Eastern District Association of the EFCA
WPEL Radio
We recognize our responsibility before the Lord to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those around the world who so desperately need it. We support many missionaries in the US and internationally. Through a partnership with the Evangelical Free Church of West Africa (EFCWA), we are working to support local pastors and school leaders in Liberia and surrounding countries.
In addition, many of our members are involved in ministry efforts around the globe and our youth participate in short-term missions both at home and abroad.
International Missions:
Montrose Bible Church supports a number of missionaries working throughout the world and we continue to look for opportunities to develop and send missionaries from our own congregation as God leads.
Reaching our community and our world